The benefits of Soul Reading are both dynamic, as well as subtle. You will find yourself guided toward more positive experiences, as you gain clarity on your purpose in Life.
Soul Reading benefits include enhancing your connection to the Law Of Attraction. Soul Reading is a launching pad for those who want to significantly change the trajectory of their future.
Are you seeking a paradigm to bring more goodness into your life? Do you want better health, and financial increase in the years to come? Do you wish to leave toxic relationships in the rearview mirror?
A Soul Reading is the touchpoint for inspiration, direction, and encouragement for a much brighter future. It has carried spiritual meaning across different cultures for centuries. It heightens present moment awareness and increases mindfulness.
Soul reading benefits increase patience, focus, and a deep stillness of the mind. All which are needed to draw the most positive experiences into your life as you access the Law Of Attraction.
Becky Girard (44) is a former elementary school teacher, turned online business woman. She markets a digital course for women to learn how to create YouTube videos that actually earn money.
She said, "I have a great story about Soul Reading benefits. I taught in grades 3 through 5, for 22 years. It was rewarding, but exhausting. The pressure put on children and teachers through constant testing literally burned me out.
I loved my job. I loved the children. However, I was completely frustrated with the havoc 'NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND' put on school systems. It would never be overturned, it stifled creativity in both the student and the teacher, so I had to leave.
I did everything I could to increase my earning power during those 20+ years. I had a Masters degree, plus 70 hours. I was at the top of the pay scale...yet I was only earning $52,000 per year.
A friend talked me into getting a Soul Reading. She told me it had opened her heart, opened her eyes, and opened her to increase with the Law Of Attraction.
As an educator, I was skeptical, but as a practitioner of the Law Of Attraction, I certainly considered it. Sadly, though, I put her off for almost two years.
When I look back, now, I wondered what I was thinking?
During those two years, she made some remarkable jumps. I watched her meet the guy of her dreams, get promoted to a position at the district office (with a $35,000 jump in pay!!!) and get a killer body!
She was happier, and more healthy than I'd ever seen her. She was now eating a Ketogenic diet, and looking great!
When we ran into each other at a district function, our talk immediately turned to discussion about The Secret, and the Law Of Attraction as was relating to our lives.
Once again, she brought up Soul Reading benefits, and how much they'd helped her. I promised I would go to the site, that evening, and take a look at the course.
To make a long story short, I purchased it...and literally dove into it.
I was amazed at what I learned about myself, especially about the shadow side of me that was blocking my route to accepting the abundance the Universe wanted to give me.
To me, this was the most important aspect of connecting on a soul level with the Law Of Attraction. For a lot of years, I now see that I was only a surface-level believer.
The Soul Reading benefits of finding myself and the courage to start working for myself, as an online entrepreneur, completely changed my future, and my life."
Finding your Life's purpose is perhaps the most telling of Soul Reading benefits. You cannot change your life until you change your behavior. This must happen over time to become the key to lasting changes. It is not a quick, one-week fix.
When you gain clarity of your Life's purpose, you have guidance and direction to manifest permanent behavior.
Shannon Farrell (42) is a health care manager in St Petersburg FL. She said, "A couple of years ago, I saw myself closing in on age 40. I don't know why that seemed significant, at the time, but it was definitely a catalyst to push me to learn more about ME.
I had a great job. I made great money. I had a loving husband who was sweet, strong, easy-going, and handsome. I had two beautiful daughters who were not only straight-A students, but also amazing athletes, and just nice young girls.
In a sense I had it all. I was extremely thankful to the Universe. I thanked God every minute for the life I had...yet, there was still something that seemed to be missing.
I happened to see an article on Soul Reading at the optometrist's office, and it sparked my curiosity. I'd vaguely heard about this at my Unity Church, but never gave it much thought because there were other classes of interest.
Now, this was something I wanted to pursue.
When I got home, I sat down with my laptop and started Googling the topic. After reading several articles, highlighting Soul Reading benefits, I found an online course, and purchased it.
It was truly amazing. I took in the information, and dedicated myself to integrating it within my own life. I found myself being pulled along three distinct pathways.
One, I wanted to see how I could increase my health, which was already very good. I was guided to read a book named, XX Brain, by Dr Lisa Mosconi, which made me start a Ketogenic diet/lifestyle, and make an appointment for a brain scan.
In six months, I had lost 12 lbs, and actually had definition in my arms, legs, and torso.
My daughters, being athletes, noticed, and became very interested in following it, also. I was able to influence their well-being and future brain health without promoting, lecturing, or making wholesale changes in their meals until they asked for it.
The Law Of Attraction was working!
Two, I wanted to elevate the truly wonderful relationship I had with my husband. One of the benefits of the course I purchased had an entire section on creating even more loving relationships.
My husband was already commenting on how much my body had changed, but he was perceptive enough to see that we were becoming even closer emotionally.
As our friendship deepened, we became even more connected as lovers. It is wonderful.
And third, I wanted to somehow 'give back' to those less fortunate in my community.
The Soul Reading course guided me to starting my own small home-based business. I divided any money I made between purchasing items for those in need, and putting the rest in college funds for my girls.
At first, I was making only about $100 for every three months. However, after about 6 months, I began making a $100 per week.
Now, I make close to $200 per DAY! It's not a fortune, by any means, but I can buy tons of socks, toothpaste, soap, and bottles of water to give to the homeless as I drive around our area.
I can, also, contribute about $8-10,000 to each daughter's college account every year.
To me, the Soul Reading benefits I found most valuable were the ones that helped me clarify my purpose in Life."
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